
dr. Janneke Grutters PhD

About Janneke Grutters

Janneke Grutters' key research interest lies in the early evaluation of innovations in healthcare. By assessing the (potential) value of an innovation in early stages of its development, she aims to contribute to more accountable decisions with regard to the development, research and use of these innovations, leading to more efficient use of resources, and better healthcare. Learning from other fields of research, she develops and uses methodology that enables such an early evaluation, and acknowledges all relevant uncertainties.

She works as associate professor at the departments for Health Evidence and Operating Rooms. She holds an MSc in health sciences and a PhD in Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, both from Maastricht University. She is project leader in several projects funded by ZonMw, and is involved in a number of studies as health technology assessment (HTA) advisor. In 2015 she was awarded a junior Principal Investigator predicate from Radboudumc. In addition she is member of several committees of the National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland), the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) and the Dutch Heart Foundation (Hartstichting).


  • associate professor Health Evidence

Department IQ Health

IQ Health is one of our three science departments. The department acquires and disseminates knowledge and methodology about preventing disease and improving care.

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