People Geeske Peeters


dr. Geeske Peeters

About Geeske Peeters

Dr. Geeske Peeters is an epidemiologist interested in optimising physical and cognitive functioning and preventing functional decline, falls and dementia. Her research at the Radboudumc focuses on prevention of loneliness and measurement of physical resilience. Other work involves the development of a dementia risk communication tool in collaboration with colleagues from Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Geeske also works as the research coordinator for the Radboudumc Alzheimer Centre. In this role, she facilitates research collaboration between the departments and groups that form the centre.

Geeske has extensive experience in longitudinal data analyses of population-based cohort studies. Her skills include harmonisation of data across cohort studies and linkage of cohort data with administrative records (e.g. pharmaceutical claims data, hospital admission data and the Australian national joint replacement registry).

Geeske is a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health and received a 2-year fellowship (2016-2018) from the Global Brain Health Institute, University of California San Francisco | Trinity College Dublin. Geeske is adjunct fellow and visiting researcher at The Irisch Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Trinity College Dublin.


  • coördinator RAC

Additional Functions

  • Research coordinator Radboudumc Alzheimer Centre
  • Adjunct fellow & Visiting Researcher TILDA study, Trinitiy College Dublin