
prof. dr. Camiel Rosman
BIG-number: 69023573301

About Camiel Rosman

Camiel Rosman is a full professor at the Radboud Institute for Health Sciences. He is connceted to the Tumors of the digestive tract theme and to the Surgery department. read more

About Camiel Rosman


  • chirurg


  • 1975-1981 Secondary school (Atheneum beta, Ubbo Emmiuslyceum, Stadskanaal)
  • 1981-1988 University (Medicine, University of Groningen)
  • 1990-1996 Specialization Surgery (UMC Groningen and Medisch Spectrum Twente). Promotor: Prof. R. van Schilfgaarde, Dr. P.A.M. Vierhout
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  • 1975-1981 Secondary school (Atheneum beta, Ubbo Emmiuslyceum, Stadskanaal)
  • 1981-1988 University (Medicine, University of Groningen)
  • 1990-1996 Specialization Surgery (UMC Groningen and Medisch Spectrum Twente). Promotor: Prof. R. van Schilfgaarde, Dr. P.A.M. Vierhout
  • 1996 PhD (University of Groningen). Promotors: Prof. R. van Schilfgaarde, Prof. D. van der Waaij. Copromotor: Dr. R.P. Bleichrodt. Title: Experimental studies on surgical treatment or peritonitis

Additional Functions

  • Chairman SlokdarmCentrum Oost Nederland
  • Member scientific committee Dutch Upper GI Cancer Audit
  • Board member working group Innovatieve en Endoscopische Chirurgie
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Additional Functions

  • Chairman SlokdarmCentrum Oost Nederland
  • Member scientific committee Dutch Upper GI Cancer Audit
  • Board member working group Innovatieve en Endoscopische Chirurgie
  • Member working group Audit, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde
  • Member working group PROMS/patient feedbackraad, Dutch Institute for Clinical Auditing
  • Member multidisciplinaire richtlijncommissie bloedingen tractus digestivus
  • Editor Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie