Changing the balancing requirements
Walking is challenging, because the body's center of gravity is constantly shifted, and must be caught in time to avoid falling.
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Walking is challenging, because the body's center of gravity is constantly shifted, and must be caught in time to avoid falling. For people with Parkinson's disease, both moving the body's center of gravity can be difficult (especially when starting to walk) as well as supporting the body's center of gravity while walking. For example, during festination:

Support for balance control
The most obvious support for balance control is the use of walking aids, such as a cane, rollator, or Nordic walking sticks. This makes the base of support larger. In addition to the use of walking aids, there are other options for dealing creatively with possible balance problems when walking. These ways are especially helpful when starting to walk, or when making a turn. When turning and starting to walk, the weight must be shifted from one leg to the other in order not to fall. People with Parkinson's often find this weight shifting difficult. There are tricks that can make weight shifting easier. An example is making a wider turn instead of a narrow turn, or making a conscious weight shift before starting to walk (for example, rocking back and forth a few times before taking the first step).
Examples of changing the balance requirements
Below you will find some examples of changing the balance requirements, which you may want to try out yourself - or together with your therapist. The changing the balance requirements page also offers videos of people who successfully use different balance strategies to improve walking.
• Use walking aids (for example a cane, a wheeled walker)
• Use Nordic walking sticks
• Hold/touch someone's arm or shoulder
• Use a shopping cart
• Make a wider turn
• Consciously shift your weight from one leg to the other before taking the first step (eg rocking back and forth on the legs)
• Walk in water
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