Mental state alteration
The mental state plays a special role in walking in people with Parkinson's disease.
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The mental state plays a special role in walking in people with Parkinson's disease. Most people with Parkinson's disease notice that walking is more difficult when they are anxious or tense. Others experience the exact opposite. Some strategies within this category therefore seem contradictory: where one benefits from strategies to relax, the other benefits from strategies that activate them.
Improving general alertness
Altering the mental state is generally aimed at improving general alertness or ‘arousal’. Examples are: overall relaxation (for example, by practicing mindfulness or meditation), reducing the fear of freezing or falling (for example, by having a cane handy), or increasing the motivation to walk (for example, by vigorously encouraging yourself). An extreme example of an improvement in walking through increased motivation has been described in life-threatening situations, such as a group of Italian nursing home residents who were suddenly able to run again during the earthquake in l'Aquila to get themselves - and others - to safety. This phenomenon is also known as 'kinesia paradoxa'.
Examples of changing mental state
Below are a few examples of altering the mental state examples that you may want to try on your own - or with your therapist. The changing of the mental state page also offers videos of people who successfully use different strategies to improve walking.
• Walk to your favorite music
• Do something you enjoy, such as playing basketball [link to accompanying video], or playing football
• Reduce fear of falling or freezing (for example, by carrying a walking stick, or walking with someone)
• Practice mindfulness
• Do breathing exercises
• Provide sufficient distraction from stress
• Encourage yourself (either positively or forcefully)
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Walking to the beat of music
There are several options:
- Use music with a distinct rhythm and try to take steps to the beat of the music. In this case, it is important that you look for music with a similar pace (the number of “beats per minute” or “bpm”) as your walking pace (the number of steps you take per minute). Instead of music, you can also use a metronome at the same pace.
- Use your favorite music without focusing specifically on the rhythm, like the man in the video example.
Try out different genres and songs, the effect of the music on walking can be very different depending on the music you are using. In general, people often notice a better effect when they walk to music that they enjoy listening to.