We endeavor to provide you with high-quality professional care. Nevertheless, it may happen that you are not satisfied with our medical care. On this page you can read how to submit a complaint.

Are you dissatisfied? Please let us know!
We endeavor to provide you with high-quality professional care. Nevertheless, it may happen that you are not satisfied with our medical care. On this page you can read how to submit a complaint.
read moreAre you dissatisfied? Please let us know!
We endeavor to provide you with proper, professional care. Nevertheless, matters do not always go according to plan. It may happen that you are not satisfied with aspects of your treatment or stay in our hospital. We would like to hear this from you.
Radboud university medical center (Radboudumc) has complaints regulations especially for patients in accordance with the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen zorg - Wkkgz).
Who may submit a complaint?
- A patient or anyone acting on a patient's behalf, provided that the latter has consented to this.
- A patient’s representative, for example, if the patient is legally incompetent.
- A patient’s surviving next of kin.
- Visitors to the hospital.
How can you submit a complaint?
There are four steps that you can take to submit a complaint.
- You may discuss your dissatisfaction with the relevant staff or their superior.
- You may present a complaint to a complaints mediator.
- You may ask the Hospital Complaints Board to rule on your complaint.
- You may submit a claim for compensation.

Do you require assistance with your complaint?
Do you need help to submit a complaint? Our complaints mediators look forward to being of assistance to you: +31 (0)24 361 3191
Access to your details
When you submit a complaint, you consent to a complaints mediator viewing your case file.
lees meerAccess to your details
When you submit a complaint, you consent to a complaints mediator viewing your case file. Would you prefer this not to occur? Then please state this when you submit a complaint. A complaints mediator has a duty of non-disclosure when dealing with a complaint. This means that they may not communicate about your complaint with anyone who is not involved. Click here for more information.
Four steps that you can take to submit a complaint
Discuss with a member of staff
First discuss the matter with those staffmembers concerned with your complaint.
read moreDiscuss with a member of staff
Are you dissatisfied? First discuss the matter with those staffmembers concerned with your complaint. You can also talk to the relevant head of the department. This type of direct contact is often the quickest way to resolve the situation. It gives our staff the opportunity to understand your point of view and to do something about it. This may in turn benifit other patients.
If you and the employee(s) concerned or the head of the department are unable to work things out, or if you would rather not talk to the employee concerned, you can contact our complaints mediators.
Complaints mediator
If you and the employee(s) concerned or the head of the department are unable to work things out, or if you would rather not talk to the employee concerned, you can contact our complaints mediator.
read moreComplaints mediator
If you and the employee(s) concerned or the head of the department are unable to work things out, or if you would rather not talk to the employee concerned, you can contact our complaints mediator.
How the complaints mediator works
The complaints mediator can listen to you and help you figure out your best course of action. In mediation, the emphasis lies on bringing the parties together, for example by talking to each other in the presence of the complaints mediator. Once the parties understand each other's position, it is easier to find solutions to problems. The complaints mediator is impartial, unbiased, and bound to confidentiality.
Contact the complaints mediator
To report your complaint, please use our electronic complaints form. If you are filing the complaint on behalf of someone else, please include the authorization form signed by the patient in your complaint. Please complete this authorization form before you report the complaint using the online complaint form. You can also send us a letter at the address below.
You can also report a complaint by telephone or in person to a complaints mediator. To do so, please make an appointment by telephone.
348 Afdeling Klachtenbemiddeling
Antwoordnummer 540
6500 VC Nijmegen
Telephone number
+31 (0)24 361 31 91
Contactable by telephone from 9 am to 5 pm on Mondays to Fridays.
The procedure
- Within five working days you will receive a written notice confirming receipt.
- The relevant complaints mediator will notify those staff who are dealing with your complaint and will also inform their superior.
- The complaints mediator will endeavor to complete everything within six weeks or sooner if possible. This period may be extended by four weeks if more time is required to deal with the complaint. If it is necessary to extend the period even further, this will occur in consultation with you.
- Any e-mail messages that the complaints mediator sends after confirming receipt may be sent securely. To view instructions for opening secure e-mail messages, see https://www.radboudumc.nl/over.het.radboudumc/secure.mail.
- The relevant complaints mediator will be responsible for finalizing the outcome of the treatment of a complaint in writing.
- If you also request compensation as part of your complaint, the relevant complaints mediator will contact a healthcare lawyer in relation to this aspect.
- The complaints mediators record all complaints. They do this in order to advise the executive board on potential healthcare improvements.
- Are you dissatisfied with the way in which a complaints mediator deals with your complaint? If so, you may approach the Hospitals Complaints Board.
Hospitals Complaints Board
If you feel that your complaint or claim was not handled satisfactorily by the complaints mediator, you can apply for a ruling from the Healthcare Disputes Committee.
read moreHospitals Complaints Board
If you feel that your complaint or claim was not handled satisfactorily by the complaints mediator, you can apply for a ruling from the Healthcare Disputes Committee (Geschillencommissie Zorg). Radboudumc is affiliated with this committee.
In order for a complaint to be handled by the Healthcare Disputes Committee, it must be submitted to the Committee within one year after you report the incident to the healthcare provider.
In principle, the Hospital Disputes Committee rules within six months. Their ruling is binding, which means that all parties involved must accept the ruling, and there is in principle no recourse to the state course after the ruling.
The Disputes Committee is independent and may grant damages up to a maximum of €25,000.
In evaluating your claim, the Disputes Committee is bound by Dutch law.
There are costs/ expenses associated with the handling of a complaint. For information on how much you will have to pay, see the Committee's website.
Contact details of the Hospitals Complaints Board
De Geschillencommissie Ziekenhuizen
Postbus 90600
2509 LP Den Haag
Telephone number
+31 (0)70 310 53 80
Filing a claim for damages
If you believe that you have suffered financial loss as a result of your stay or treatment at our hospital, you can file a claim for damages with Radboudumc.
read moreFees
There's no fee for the services of a complaints mediator.
It is entirely understandable if you seek assistance from those closest to you when your complaint is dealt with.
Please bear in mind that you will be liable for any costs that are involved if you seek legal advice.
Furthermore, the Hospitals Complaints Board does request a fee for dealing with a complaint.