Copy of a patient file or x-ray

Are you not using mijnRadboud? In that case, you can submit a request to view your medical file or to receive a copy of an x-ray photo.
  • You can address your request for access to the relevant department. We will select a suitable time to go through the file together.
  • For a copy, you need to submit a written request. You can send your letter and a copy of a valid identification document to:
[name department]
[name practitioner]
Mailbox number 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen
Are you not sure which department you should contact? Then please send your request to: 

630 Board of Directors secretariat
Mailbox number 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen
The department can ask for a compensation for sending you a copy of your medical file. This compensation cannot exceed € 5,- in case of a file up to 100 pages – and it cannot exceed € 22,50 in case of a file bigger than 100 pages. Do you submit the request for a copy of your file at several departments? In that case you will receive separate bills from the different departments. Sometimes, you will receive the bill sooner than the file copy. This is because we do not send the file until we can bundle all the different department’s dossiers in it.   

Requesting an x-ray photo

You can submit a request to receive a copy of your x-ray photo at the Department Radiology:

667 Radiology
Mailbox number 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, telephone: +31 (0)24 361 45 45.
The costs of an x-ray photo copy may reach to a maximum of € 22,50

About the DMF (Dutch: EPD)

Every patient at Radboudumc has a Digital Medical File DMF (Dutch: EPD). read more

About the DMF (Dutch: EPD)

Every patient at Radboudumc has a Digital Medical File DMF (Dutch: EPD). This DMF contains all medical data of a patient. Also, correspondence with the general practitioner and other specialists is kept in this record.  You have a right to access your own medical file, unless this is in conflict with another’s privacy.


Via mijnRadboud, you have access to some of your medical data from the DMF. You can login everywhere and at any time, to make appointments and to ask questions to your medical team. Also, parents of children up to the age of 12 have access to (a part of) their child’s DMF via mijnRadboud. read more about mijnRadboud (Dutch)

Copy of a patient file or x-ray

Are you not using mijnRadboud? In that case, you can submit a request to view your medical file or to receive a copy of an x-ray photo. read more

How do I authorize someone to consult my file?

You can authorize someone on your behalf to receive a copy of your file. This is only possible in writing. You have to write down who exactly you authorize to receive the copy.

Consulting the file after passing away

After someone’s death, the bereaved cannot consult the file just like that. The doctor decides whether this is possible or not. He or she takes into consideration the wishes of the deceased patient and the importance of consulting the file for relatives or bereaved.

Access to the file when children are concerned

The rights to access to the file and to receive a copy of it are different for the three different age-groups distinguished by the Medical Treatment Contracts Act (WGBO): read more

Access to the file when children are concerned

The rights to access to the file and to receive a copy of it are different for the three different age-groups distinguished by the Medical Treatment Contracts Act (WGBO):
  • When it comes to children up to the age of 12 years, parents with custody of the child have a right to consult the file and to receive a copy of it.
  • When children from 12 to 16 years are concerned, the parents as well as the child have a right to access the file. To receive access though, both the permissions of the child and the parents are needed.
  • Young people aged 16 and 17 years do have a right of their own to consult their file and to receive a copy of it. If a parent wants access to the file or requests a copy of it, the child has to give his or her permission for this. 

Changing, adding or destroying information in your file

Do you think certain data in your file are incorrect, incomplete, irrelevant or contrary to a statutory regulation? Then you can ask your healthcare provider to correct these data. read more

Changing, adding or destroying information in your file

Do you think that certain data in your file are incorrect, incomplete, irrelevant or contrary to a statutory regulation? Then you can ask your healthcare provider to correct these data. You also have the possibility to request for (part of) your data to be destroyed. When this is done, your request for destruction is kept in the (otherwise empty) dossier. A healthcare provider is not obligated to grant your request for destruction, for example if maintaining the file is important for someone else of if destroying the file is contrary to a statutory regulation. When the healthcare provider refuses your request, he or she must give an explanation why.

You can also write down your personal vision on the treatment in a declaration. If you do so, your healthcare provider adds this file to your dossier.

A request for destruction or addition of data should be send to the Board of Directors or to your own doctor.

Retention period of the file

We never keep a medical file longer than necessary. The general retention period is 15 years, starting from the last moment of contact between patient and hospital. read more

Retention period of the file

We never keep a medical file longer than necessary. The general retention period is 15 years, starting from the last moment of contact between patient and hospital. Sometimes the retention period is extended,  for example in case of long-term or regular treatment.

Some data in academic hospitals are subject to the Public Records Act (Archiefwet). For instance, documents like surgery reports and resignations must be kept for 115 years.

A minimal retention period of 5 years applies to involuntarily hospitalized psychiatric patients. For psychiatric patients who are hospitalized voluntarily, the regular retention period applies.

You can ask your healthcare provider to keep your data for longer than the statutory period. This can be of importance in case of genetic disorders or legal proceedings.

Medical certificate

A medical certificate can be necessary for driving, school, contact arrangements with your children, travel insurance, parking permits or adapted housing. Your healthcare provider is not able to provide you with a medical certificate, so he or she will refer you to another independent doctor.


Your data may not be used randomly, for you do have a right to protection of your privacy. You can consult the privacy rules at the Information Center. read more