You have the right to careful treatment and to comprehensible information about your treatment. The health care provider provides you with information about your disease, the examinations and treatments, the risks of a certain treatment and the possible alternatives. Based on this information, you can decide whether or not you want to receive a certain medical treatment or examination. By ‘health care provider’ we mean everyone involved in your treatment or nursing. The health care provider adapts the information to your individual situation and needs in the best possible way. In this, we respect your personal values and religious beliefs.Do you need more information or do you not totally understand the given information? Then please indicate this clearly. If neseccary, the health care provider can call on a professional interpreter’s services. You can also indicate that you do not wish to receive information. The healthcare provider will respect this, as long as it does not harm yourself or others.
Your primary practitioner
In your treatment at Radboud University Medical Centre, several healthcare providers are involved. In some cases they work together as a team, based on their various medical specialties. But there is always one doctor ultimately responsible for the quality, coordination and continuity of your treatment. This doctor is your primary practitioner. The healthcare providers involved in your treatment always discuss important decisions with the primary practitioner.Obligations
In addition to your rights, you do have certain obligations as a patient too. For example, we expect you to inform the healthcare provider about important issues. read moreObligations
We expect you to clearly and fully inform the healthcare provider about important issues concerning your disease, physical complaints and treatment. Only in this way the healthcare provider is able to properly diagnose and to offer a professional treatment. You have a duty to inform us correctly about your health insurance and to pay the bill on time. Besides, in Radboud University Medical Centre an identification requirement is in force.We also expect you to contribute to a positive course of events in the hospital, to pay respect and understanding to fellow patients and staff members and to take into account their concerns. Aggression, physical violence and threats are not tolerated. At some departments, special rules apply alongside the general rules. In that case, you will be informed about these. Properties brought along to Radboud University Medical Centre are your own responsibility.
House rules Radboud University Medical Centre Together, we ensure a pleasant and safe stay.
Everyone is welcome at Radboudumc. There are some rules in our hospital though. They are meant to make staying as safe and pleasant as possible for everyone.
view the house rulesHouse rules Radboud University Medical Centre Together, we ensure a pleasant and safe stay.
Do you want to visit a patient? You are more than welcome. Please, however, keep in mind our patients’ tranquillity. For example, we apply a maximum of two visitors at a time per patient. And some departments have fixed visiting hours.
You can park your car on one of the Radboudumc parking spots. Parking spaces only for picking-up and dropping-off are located close to the entrances. The disabled parking facilities are meant for those with a disabled parking permit.
Animals are not allowed into the hospital, but you can take assistance dogs and guide dogs with you. For the patients at Radboudumc Amalia children’s hospital we provide a special meeting place where they can hug their own pets sometimes.
At Radboudumc, we safeguard our patients’, visitors’ and staff members’ peace and tranquillity. You can freely use your phone, tablet or laptop, but make sure you do not inconvenience other people around you.
At Radboudumc, we respect each other’s privacy. Therefore, photographing or filming other people is prohibited – only when the people concerned have given their permission for it, recording is allowed. For external publication of image and/or sound, you need the written permission of our Communications department. Would you like to record you consult with a healthcare provider to be able to listen to it again later on? Please discuss this with your healthcare provider beforehand.
Smoking, alcohol and drugs
Smoking – electronic cigarettes included – is only allowed in the special smoking areas and in specifically designated smoking areas outside the hospital. Patients, too, can smoke here; but please discuss this with the nurse first. Carrying or being under influence of alcohol or drugs is forbidden.
At Radboudumc we treat each other and each other’s belongings with respect. Possession of weapons, theft, destruction, violence, discrimination and (sexual) harassment are not permitted in the Netherlands. If these things occur at Radboudumc, we report it to the police. The costs involved are recovered from the offender.
Watch your belongings
Unfortunately, at Radboudumc too, theft sometimes occurs. Therefore, bring as little valuable items as possible and keep a close eye to your belongings. You are responsible for these yourself.
We watch over your safety
Several safety camera’s are located at different places at the Radboudumc, watching over your safety and over our belongings. Our security guards and other staff members, too, are guarding the safety at Radboudumc. For this reason, always follow their instructions.
These house rules apply for Radboudumc and the surrounding area. Breaking the house rules may result in your (temporary) exclusion from Radboudumc.
Giving consent for treatment
A doctor or another healthcare professional is not allowed to medically treat you without your authorisation for it. You decide whether or not you want to undergo an examination or treatment. read moreVerification of medication
Radboudumc is obligated to verify your medication. We do this for your safety. read moreVerification of medication
Radboudumc is obligated to verify your medication. We do this for your safety. The checks take place at every outpatient visit, in case of hospitalization or before administering medication during day care. We call this control verification of medication.To be able to do this well, we kindly ask you to bring the following things:
- your medicine passport or an up-to-date overview of the medication you are currently using
- the medicines you use, with original packaging
Second opinion
If you have doubts about a diagnose or treatment, you can request a second opinion. Another specialist will, on your request, give his or her opinion. read moreSecond opinion
If you have doubts about a diagnose or treatment, you can request a second opinion. Another specialist will, on your request, give his or her opinion. Your own doctor can suggest to ask for another professionals’ view too. It is not intended that the doctor giving the second opinion takes over the treatment, unless you specifically request this.Requesting a second opinion at Radboudumc
Contact the department or outpatient clinic concerned by telephone to receive more information on the procedure. In order to find the right phone number, please call +31 (0)24 361 11 11 or check the website for contact details of the department concerned. For a second opinion, you need a referral from your treating specialist or general practitioner.Please consult your health insurer whether a second opinion will be reimbursed. If this is not the case, you will have to pay for it yourself.
Rights of children and youth
As children and youth grow older, their rights and obligations change accordingly. The Medical Treatment Contracts Act (WGBO) distinguishes three different age groups. read moreThe patient record
Every patient at Radboudumc has a Digital Medical File DMF (Dutch: EPD). This DMF contains all medical data of a patient. read moreUse of your medical data and leftover biomaterial
In some cases, we can use your medical data or body material for scientific research or education. read more
We endeavor to provide you with high-quality professional care. Nevertheless, it may happen that you are not satisfied with our medical care. On this page you can read how to submit a complaint.
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