8 September 2021

The Dutch Kidney Foundation awarded a consortium grant of 1.5M euros to the ArtDECO consortium, >400K euros of which will be allocated to the Radboudumc and more specifically to the AGORA data- and biobank (coordinator: Loes van der Zanden).

The ArtDECO consortium, led by Rik Westland from Amsterdam UMC, will focus on congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract (CAKUT). These anomalies are the major cause of kidney failure in childhood and adolescence. Although one in three children with end-stage kidney disease have congenital kidney defects, a substantially larger subset of CAKUT patients have a better prognosis of kidney function. The strong clinical variability highlights the urgent need for accurate decision-making in the management of CAKUT patients, but this is hampered by the lack of aetiologic knowledge and the highly unpredictable long-term clinical outcome of patients with CAKUT.

The ArtDECO consortium aims to identify the missing links between causes and prognosis of CAKUT by:- Establishment of a nation-wide CAKUT data- and biobank- Identification and functional characterization of genetic and environmental causes- Gene-environment risk modelling and prediction of clinical outcomeTo reach the first goal, the AGORA data- and biobank (established at the Radboudumc in 2004 (www.agoraproject.nl)) will be expanded to other Dutch university medical centres, collecting DNA, clinical data, and questionnaire information from CAKUT patients. The collected data and materials will be used to perform whole-exome sequencing to identify new monogenic causes, genome-wide association analyses to elucidate the complex genetic background, and prognostic analyses to identify genetic variants and environmental risk factors associated with the development of kidney injury in CAKUT patients. Functional modelling of candidate gene variants and environmental factors using patient-specific induced-pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), human kidney organoids, and tailor-made animal-based modelling will maximize the impact of ArtDECO.


read more on the Nierstichting website.

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