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Education Management Team-T (OMT-T) Dentistry Bachelor's and Master's program

The Educational Management Team or OMT (Onderwijsmanagement Team) is responsible for the management of the Dentistry (Tandheelkunde) study program. read more

Education Management Team-T (OMT-T) Dentistry Bachelor's and Master's program

The Educational Management Team or OMT (Onderwijsmanagement Team) is responsible for the management of the Dentistry (Tandheelkunde) study program. 

Tasks of the OMTT

  • Preparing the education and examination regulations for the Dentistry programs. 
  • Defining the quality requirements for each study program. 
  • Establishing the study programs for each academic year. 
  • Supervising the modifications regarding the content of education, for separate periods as well as for the curriculum as a whole. 
  • Submitting a proposal to the Board of Directors for the appointment of individual curriculum coordinators per curriculum. 
  • Establishing the year schedules for education and examination. 
  • Submitting an annual education budget. 
  • Evaluating the faculty education, both on the (aggregation) level of the curriculum as a whole as on the level of annual study programs and separate curricula. 
  • Safeguarding the professional and didactic quality of educational practice. 
  • Coordinating and operationally managing the daily educational practice, the educational support and the management of required educational infrastructure. 
  • Engaging in consultation with the education committees and the examination boards of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences about education and examination. 
  • Advising the Director of the educational institute and the Dean regarding education.


Mw. J.   Oudenampsen assessor
Drs. A. de Rijk docentlid/ vice-voorzitter
Drs. F. Olderaan docentlid
Mw. S. van Enckevort        studentlid THK
Prof. dr. N. Creugers        voorzitter
Mw. drs. R. Lindeboom secretaris
Mw. Y. van den Rijk /
Mw. E. Maat      
Mw. O. Cremers studentlid THK
Mw. dr. M. Nienhuijs        docentlid
Mw. drs. E. Borgesius adviseur
Drs. R. van der Horst        docentlid

Education committee Dentistry

The Education Committee is assigned to – solicited and unsolicited – provide advice to diverse segments when it comes to education and the education and examination regulation. read more

Education committee Dentistry

The education committee is assigned to – solicited and unsolicited – provide advice to diverse segments when it comes to education and the education and examination regulation. When the committee’s recommendations are not adopted, the decision not to do so is reasoned. The Education Committee can then request the party concerned to reconsider. 

Composition joint committee 

The Education Committee consists of 12 members and is a joint committee, which means that academic staff and students are equally represented with 6 members each. The appointment of student members is carried out by means of election: they are elected for a period of one year. The academic staff members are appointed by the Board of Directors, for a period of three years. The Education Committee is supported by the official secretary, Mr. dr. R.E. van der Plaats. 

Teacher members

Mrs. dr. W.A.F. Fokkinga (chairman)
Mrs. drs. M.A.R. Kuijpers
Mr. dr. ir. S.C.G. Leeuwenburgh
Mr. prof. dr. G.J. Meijer
Mr. prof. dr. M.A.W. Merkx
Mr. drs. H.T. Scheper

Student members

Mr. M.W. van der Bok
Mr. R. Dahlmans
Mrs. R. Kirana
Mrs. S.M. van Kooten
Mrs. I. Schut
Mr. N.J.L. Zwartkruis

Also present

Mr. prof. dr. N.H.J. Creugers (program director)
Mrs. M. van Wijngaarden (assessor)

Examination Board Dentistry

The Dentistry Examination Board is assigned to – among other things – organize and coordinate the examination periods. Besides, the committee is responsible for the decision-making process regarding – and the granting of – diplomas. read more

Examination Board Dentistry

The Dentistry Examination Board is assigned to – among other things – organize and coordinate the examination periods. Besides, the committee is responsible for the decision-making process regarding – and the granting of – diplomas.


Prof. dr. G.J. Meijer (chairman)
Prof. dr. M.C.D.N.J.M. Huysmans (vice-president)
Dr. C.M. Kreulen
Dr. W.J.M. van der Sanden
Drs. F.J. Olderaan
Dr. J.W. Von den Hoff
Drs. J.W. Prakken
Mr. E. Jilsink (secretary)
Mrs. C. Visser-van Dijck (advisor)