Previous editions

  • March 2024: Artificial Intelligence and Research Integrity: a good marriage? Guests Dr. Michiel Schinkel, Dr. Guido de Jong, Luc Builtjes, Prof. Joost Wiersinga. View the webinar.
  • December 2023: Research ethical issues in the physician/researcher/patient/participant quadrangle. Guests Dr. Jeroen Janssen, Dr. Bart van de Warrenburg, Klaartje Spijkers (MSc) and Prof. dr. Gerard Rongen. View the webinar.
  • September 2023: The Learning Curve: Theatre play about (sexual) intimidation and abuse of power in academic context.
  • June 2023: 'Patents at Radboudumc: a blessing or a curse?'. Guests: Jolanda de Vries (Radboudumc, Joram Sjoerts (Radboudumc) and Hans Radder (Vu Amsterdam). View the webinar.
  • March 2023: Collegetour with Prof. Hedi Claahsen and Prof. Sandra Heskamp. View the webinar.
  • September 2022: "Publication ethics: Promises, problems and perspectives". Guests: Dr. Tamarinde Haven (Charité, Berlin), Prof. Iris Nagtegaal (Radboudumc), Prof. Bart Kiemeney (Radboudumc). View the webinar.
  • March 2022: "Research Integrity in times of crisis: Juggling slow and fast science". Guests: Dr. Daniel Warmerdam, Prof. Debby Gerritsen, Prof. Marcel Olde Rikkert, Prof. Saskia Middeldorp. View the webinarRead the blog.
  • December 2021: "The challenges of collaboration with profit and non-profit organisations". Guests: Tanya Sluyter (Novartis Pharma B.V.), Prof. Carel Hoyng (Dept. of Opthalmology) and Prof. Lex Bouter (Amsterdam UMC). View the webinar. Read the blog. Presentation Prof. Lex Bouter. Presentation Tanya Sluyter.
  • September 2021: “The Dark Side of Science: Misconduct in Biomedical Research”. Guest: Dr Elisabeth Bik. Read the blog
  • March 2021: Research Integrity Rounds - College Tour. Dorine Swinkels - professor of Laboratory Medicine, Maroeska Rovers - professor of Evidence-based Surgery and Marcel Olde Rikkert - professor of Clinical Geriatrics. View the webinar  
  • December 2020: “Recognition and Rewards for Radboudumc Academics”. Guests: Prof. Jeroen Geurts (Director ZonMw), Dr Annemijn Algra (UMC Utrecht, Young Science in Transition), Dean Prof. Jan Smit. View the webinar. Read the blog.
  • September 2020: “Sex and gender and research integrity: a tale of how and who”. Guests: Prof. Hanneke Takkenberg (Erasmus University), Prof. Sabine Oertelt, Dean Prof. Jan Smit. View the webinar  
  • March 2020: “Can we change science? Yes, we can?” Guest: Prof. Frank Miedema, one of the persons who started the Dutch Science in Transition movement in 2013
  • December 2019: “Facing Integrity Challenges: How does Peer Review cause or resolve issues?”. Guests: Serge Horbach, researcher and expert on peer review in relation to scientific integrity, and Prof. Roshan Cools, researcher and editor of a scientific journal
  • September 2019: “Scientists on the sofa. How to survive as researcher without losing your integrity”. Guests: Joeri Tijdink, author of the book “Wetenschappers op de sofa”, DCMN director Prof. Guillen Fernandez and PhD candidate Tamara van Woezik
  • March 2019: College tour with three experienced Radboudumc researchers (Prof. Alessandra Cambi, Prof. Judith Prins, Dr Edo Richard) who spoke about their experiences with perverse stimuli but also about their passion for research
  • February 2019: Introduction of the new Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity with the interactive play “The ConScience App” followed by a discussion based on the new code
  • December 2018: Movie ‘On being a scientist’ with a discussion led by one of the initiators of the movie Prof. Frans van Lunteren, Professor of history of the Natural Sciences at Leiden University
  • September 2018: Authorship of Master students: a matter of scientific integrity?
Education All events Research Integrity Round

About the event

The Research Integrity Rounds are organized 3 times a year for master students and research staff. read more

About the event

The Research Integrity Rounds are organized at Radboudumc to stimulate dialogue and debate about matters of research integrity.

All members of the academic community, from student to PhD candidate to professor, are invited to join this exchange.

Please note that PhD candidates can add the Research Integrity Rounds to their Training and Supervision Plan (TSP).

Research Integrity Round #20 - 11 September 2024 Scenes on social safety


A misplaced joke, or a hurtful jibe? A thoughtless remark, or a denigrating sneer? Outright bullying, or subtle micro aggression? In today’s international academy, with its hierarchy and multiplicity of cultural and sexual sensitivities, the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable behavior is not always readily discernible.
Everyone at Radboudumc should be able to work and study in a safe environment. Consequently, it is important to treat one another with respect and provide opportunities for talent development. However, socially unsafe situations inadvertently occur.

To raise awareness on this topic and to stimulate  conversation within our community, we invited The Dutch Actors Society (”Het Acteursgenootschap”) with their theatre play “Scenes on social safety”. In four short scenes the theater production will illustrate different forms of more or less unacceptable behavior. Between the scenes, moderator Dr. Jos Kole will encourage a dialogue on the subject. We will exchange experiences and insights and discuss the question how we can foster a safe and positive academic working space for all.

The Dutch Actors Society

The Dutch Actors Society is a theatre company with a focus on the community of science and academia. After two successful previous performances (The ConScience App in 2019 and The learning curve in 2023), we have once again invited The Dutch Actors Society for our Research Integrity Round.


There will be two performances:
1st performance: 12:30 - 14:15 hrs
2nd performance: 15:15 - 17:00 hrs

•    Welcome by member of Executive Board (Carolijn Ploem / Jan Smit)
•    Four scenes on Social safety by Het Acteursgenootschap, each followed by conversation
•    Drinks

Time and location

Time: Wednesday 11 September 2024, 12:30 - 14:15 hrs and 15:15 - 17:00 hrs
Location: Radboudumc Experience Center (Auditorium) - Geert Grooteplein 15 Nijmegen


Registration is required. Please register via There is a limited number of seats available.

Target group

We invite all master students, junior and senior researchers and other staff members to attend this event and join the discussion. We highly recommend this RIR-edition to those with leading positions at the academic working floor.  
Please note that PhD candidates can add the Research Integrity Rounds to their Training and Supervision Plan.


Research Integrity Round, 11 September 2024


Data 2024 - 2025

  • Wednesday 11 December 2024 from 16:00 – 17:30 hrs: online
  • Wednesday 12 March 2025 from 16:00 – 17:30 hrs: onsite (Auditorium, Radboudumc Experience Center) + streaming

More information will follow.

Previous editions

The Research Integrity Rounds have been organized since September 2018.

read more


Bianca Gremmen-van Bergen

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