About this course

Academic communication is a communication programme of Radboud in'to Languages. Successful academics have one thing in common: they are great communicators. This is why we have devised five training modules for academics, revolving around crucial academic skills:

  • Get Published: how do you make sure your article is published?
  • Get Noticed: how do you bring attention to your research in a clear and stimulating way with comprehensive content?
  • Get Funded: how do you increase your chances of receiving funding or sponsorship for your research?
  • Get Organised: how do you organise your research, your team or yourself?
  • Get International: how can you optimise your communication in an international academic environment?


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About this course

Academic communication is a communication programme of Radboud in'to Languages. Successful academics have one thing in common: they are great communicators. This is why we have devised five training modules for academics, revolving around crucial academic skills. lees meer

Need more info? Contact us

Radboud University
Radboud in'to languages tailor-made programmes

+31 (24) 361 61 66

In short

  • Researchers, PhD candidates, postdocs en university teachers.

Visit this page In Dutch

For more information, see this course in Dutch.