About the Radboudumc center of expertise
The center Neuro-oncology provides specialist care for patients with benign or malignant brain tumors. read moreAbout the Radboudumc center of expertise
Radboudumc's center of expertise in Neuro-oncology provides specialist care for patients with benign or malignant brain tumors. We also conduct scientific research into brain tumors. We specialize in:- neuroepithelial tumors`(mostly glioma)
- melanocytic tumors
The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has acknowledged our center of expertise.
Brain tumors
Tumors can grow in our brains: tumors that are the result of excessive cell division. We can distinguish between:- Benign brain tumors
These do not grow invasively into surrounding tissue and do not cause metastases in the body. Because of their location in the brain, they could cause symptoms. - Malignant brain tumors
These tumors do grow into the surrounding brain tissue. They can also spread within the nervous system to other parts of the brain or the spinal cord. In rare cases, it also spreads to other parts of the body.
International patients
Everything you need to know as a foreign patient. Especially if you are not insured through the Dutch health care law.
For referrers
General practitioners and medical specialists can refer patients with a suspected brain tumor to our center of expertise. Referrers can make a referral in writing or using the digital registration form.-
A written referral can be sent to the Neurology Outpatient Clinic.
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Written referral
Neurology Outpatient Clinic
T.a.v. planningsbureau, huispost 943
Postbus 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen
Telephone: +31 (0)24 361 66 00 -
You can contact the neurologist or neurosurgeon on duty for emergency referrals and consultations.
Disorders and treatments
Disorder brain tumors
Brain tumors can occur in the brain tissue itself (primary brain tumors) or from meninges. The spread of cancer to the brain (brain metastases) is also considered a brain tumor. naar de aandoeningAdditional information
Making an appointment and visit
Your general practitioner or medical specialist can refer you to the Radboudumc's center of expertise in neuro-oncology. But you can also contact our center yourself. read moreMaking an appointment and visit
Your general practitioner or medical specialist can refer you to the Radboudumc's center of expertise in neuro-oncology. But you can also contact our center yourself; for your treatment or a second opinion. If you have already been examined at another center, we will ask for the results and other available information about you.Your visit
Your first contact with our center of expertise can either be in the neurology department or the neurosurgery department. During your first visit, you will always have a consultation with both the medical specialist and a nursing specialist.In addition to medical knowledge, we believe it is essential that patients have access to personal assistance. You can, therefore, contact the nursing specialist throughout the entire care and treatment process.
Your first visit
For your first visit, it is important to bring your medication list with you. Your referring physician has already sent the referral letter and the scans, or (if you have requested a second opinion) you should send them yourself well in advance.Bringing someone along
We recommend that you take a family member or friend with you to the hospital; two heads are better than one.Multidisciplinary care
At Radboudumc, a multidisciplinary team of practitioners is involved in the research and treatment of brain tumors. read moreMultidisciplinary care
At Radboudumc, a multidisciplinary team of practitioners is involved in the research and treatment of brain tumors. This team consists of practitioners who specialize in brain tumors, such as a neuro-oncologist, nursing specialist, neurosurgeon, radiotherapist, internist-oncologist, and pathologist. They work closely together and meet each week in the form of the neuro-oncological tumorboard. During this meeting, they discuss patients with a variety of neuro-oncological problems and determine a treatment plan. They will discuss the diagnosis and treatment plan with you.Radboudumc's neuro-oncology tumorboard is a multidisciplinary working group that is also active at a national and international level. The board also conducts (international) scientific research to improve care and treatment for patients with brain tumors.