Centers of clinical expertise Centers of clinical expertise Hereditary Impaired Hearing (Hearing & Genes)

About the Radboudumc center of expertise

Within the Radboudumc Center of Expertise for Hereditary Hearing Impairment, specialized (genetic) diagnostics are performed for various forms of hearing impairment.

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About the Radboudumc center of expertise

Within the Radboudumc Center of Expertise for Hereditary Hearing Impairment, specialized (genetic) diagnostics are performed for various forms of hearing impairment. By finding out the cause of hearing impairment, parents of children, the patients themselves and family members can be better informed about:

  • the prognosis of the hearing loss,
  • whether the hearing loss may be part of a syndrome,
  • the likelihood of children with hearing loss,
  • the best-fit rehabilitation of the hearing loss.

Besides being an expertise center for diagnosis of (hereditary) hearing impairment, the Radboudumc Expertise Center Hearing & Genes is also a recognized expertise center for Usher syndrome, an inherited form of deafblindness. Within our expertise center, we offer specialized multidisciplinary care and knowledge under one roof.

The Radboudumc Expertise Center Hearing & Genes is a collaboration of the departments of ENT and Genetics of the Radboudumc. The expertise center is a member of the European Reference Network “ERN Cranio”. This is a European network for rare ENT and craniofacial (head and face) care.

Information only available in Dutch

It is important to be aware that most information about the expertise center can only be found on the Dutch-language website. This means that all relevant details are only available in Dutch. Visitors wishing to consult this information should visit the Dutch-language website to obtain complete and accurate information. 

International patients

Everything you need to know as a foreign patient. Especially if you are not insured through the Dutch health care law.

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