Getting to our center for your appointment

Visiting address

Radboudumc main entrance
Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10
6525 GA Nijmegen


Go to Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10
Enter building at: Radboudumc main entrance (hoofdingang)

About the Radboudumc center of expertise

The center Craniofacial anomalies is specialized in fusion of the cranial sutures (craniosynostosis) and skull abnormalities (cranial malformations). read more

About the Radboudumc center of expertise

Radboudumc’s center of expertise in Craniofacial Anomalies is specialized in the fusion of the cranial sutures (craniosynostosis) and skull abnormalities (cranial malformations).

Craniofacial anomalies are skull and facial abnormalities. Craniosynostosis is a fusion of the cranial sutures. One or more of your child’s cranial sutures have closed too soon. Because this usually occurs before birth, your child is born with a different skull shape. As a result, your child's skull cannot grow at the same pace as the brain in some places and the growing brain could become trapped within a (too small) skull. This could increase the pressure in the head of your child. Cranial malformations can also have other causes.
At Radboudumc’s center of expertise in Craniofacial Anomalies, we offer care and knowledge regarding cranial malformations. Together with your child, you can come to us for advice, research and treatment. Within our center of expertise, we work with specialists from:
  • The department of Genetics for hereditary advice and research.
  • The departments of Neurosurgery, of Mouth, Jaw and Facial Surgery and of Orthodontics for drawing up and implementing the treatment plan.
  • The 3D lab to objectify the evolution of the skull form without X-rays.
When necessary, we will engage doctors from other disciplines.

Radboudumc’s center of expertise in Craniofacial Anomalies is acknowledged by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and has been acknowledged as a center of expertise by Orphanet since 2013.

Making an appointment

Enter via Radboudumc’s main entrance. Follow route number 788 and you will arrive at the outpatient clinic of Amalia Children's Hospital. Register at desk B. read more

Making an appointment

Your GP or treating specialist can refer your child to our center of expertise. We invite you and your child for an intake interview at the Pediatric Neurosurgery clinic. If you have information about previously taken X-rays, CT or MRI scans, we ask that you bring these. Also bring your certificate of insurance and identity card.

Getting to our center for your appointment

Entrance: Radboudumc main entrance (hoofdingang)

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