Public evening Is gene therapy the solution?

This public evening will take patients & family members, researchers, and other interested parties to the new frontiers of research in metabolic diseases (stofwisselingsziekten).

We want to discuss with all attendees what therapy perspectives our contemporary research offers or will offer.

New scientific developments seem to bring solutions for treatment of inherited metabolic diseases. But is it that simple? We zoom in on gene therapy and discuss the perspectives of science and the patient. Are these perspectives different?

We will discuss this and hope for your contribution during the interactive panel discussion with experts.

Visit the Public evening page for all information including registration and flyer (in Dutch).

Background information

Agenda Public Evening - Metabolic disorders (online in Dutch)

Public evening Is gene therapy the solution?

This public evening will take patients & family members, researchers and other interested parties to the new frontiers of metabolic disease research. read more

Practical information

  • Location and time: online event at 17 November 2021 (18.30-21.30 hrs)
  • Registration: registration is free, deadline is 10 November 2021
  • Language: event in Dutch
  • Registration (closed)
  • More information (in Dutch)