About This course

Target group and requirements
The course is made for researchers considering the use of qualitative research methods or the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. No specific experiences are required.
The two days introduction course offers the opportunity to explore the value of qualitative methods in health care. Several educational strategies are used: presentation of theoretical and methodological papers, hands-on experience in problem definition and (computer) analysis and discussion on problems experienced in performing qualitative research and interview training. The workshops will be supervised by experts.
1. General introduction in qualitative research and in the definition of qualitative research problems
2. Types of qualitative research, special attention for focus group studies and process evaluation of interventions in randomised controlled trials
3. Interview training
4. Qualitative (computer) analysis
5. Report and publication.

Find the full program here.

The participants are requested to prepare an A4 including the research questions in the ongoing study and questions about application of qualitative methods in the study. A reader will be placed on the website of IQ healthcare approximately 3 weeks before the course.

Language: Dutch
This course will be taught in Dutch. If you are a non-Dutch speaker and are planning to conduct qualitative research – please contact anke.oerlemans@radboudumc.nl for more information about tailored training sessions.

The participants receive a certificate after the course.
Dr. Anke Oerlemans (course coordinator)
Dr. Gijs Hesselink
Drs. Jeannette Heldens

Date and location
5 & 6 October 2020
Radboudumc, Nijmegen
Kasteel Heyendaal, HH Marijnenroom
Course fee
€ 630,=

Information and application
Mrs. Alice van Eijk
Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen 
IQ Healthcare 114
P.O. Box 9101
NL-6500 HB Nijmegen
Phone:    +31 (0)24 36 66265
E-mail:    alice.vaneijk@radboudumc.nl

Agenda Qualitative research methods in health care

About This course

This course will be offered three times a year and is made for researchers considering the use of qualitative research methods or the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. No specific experiences are required. read more

Practical information

  • 5 & 6 October 2020

Registration Required

Registration no longer possible, maximum number of participants reached. registration form