8 April 2022

The Blue Diamond Gallery

Patient must give explicit consent

A lot of scientific research is carried out at the Radboudumc. This is necessary to develop new and improved treatments for our patients. With patients' consent, we can use their medical data, leftover biomaterial (such as blood, urine or tissue) and images for scientific research and education.

A conscious choice

In the past, obtaining consent from patients was arranged via the opt-out method. This meant that medical data and remaining biomaterial and images were accessible to researchers unless the patient explicitly objected. However, many patients were not aware that their medical data and material could be used for scientific research. To improve the consent procedure, the NFU decided to run a trial with the opt-in method, in which the Radboudumc participates. With this method, the patient is explicitly asked for permission in advance. This consent procedure will apply from January 2020 for all new patients who register as a patient at Radboudumc for the first time. Until further notice, the opt-in method will be used.

How do we request permission now?

New eligible patients will be asked for their consent when registering at the central registration desk. The answer is immediately registered in Epic. Sometimes a patient is not approached at the central registration desk. In this case, the patient receives a request via mijnRadboud or a letter at home. Patients can always adjust the choice made via mijnRadboud or via the reception desk staff.

Will this affect my research?

When using medical data from patient records or leftover biomaterial and images, you should always check the patient's current consent status in Epic. If a patient has objected or has not responded, you will not be able to use the patient's data and material. A patient can change their status at any time, so it is important to regularly check the consent status in the system.

More information

You will find more information for patients (in Dutch) about the use of medical data and leftover biomaterial at the Radboudumc here .

Contact person: Jennifer Lutomski, Radboud Biobank.


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