18 December 2020

It has been five years since the official opening of MITeC. In this newsletter we would like to look back with you on those first five years. What have we achieved, how have internal and external parties experienced the MITeC facilities and what could possibly become even better in the future?

Read and/or download our newsletter here.

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Liver tumors irradiated from inside can be followed live from outside

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LUMO Labs and Oost NL invest in Aiosyn Investment accelerates development of artificial intelligence platform to improve diagnostics

7 February 2022 Aiosyn, a spin-off from Radboudumc, has received an investment from LUMO Labs. Oost NL is a co-investor. read more

Large AI project receives over €95 million for ten years of public-private research

23 September 2021 The Dutch Research Council (NWO) is to fund two consortia for a period of ten years. Radboudumc participates in the ROBUST consortium, which consists of 17 AI labs, eight of which are dedicated to healthcare. Radboudumc leads five of these eight labs. read more

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Nijmegen literally puts Digital Health on the map Flourishing ecosystem gets its own interactive overview

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Working visit queen Máxima

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