Our services

  • Access to flow cytometry analyzers and a flow cytometry sorter
  • Advice on multi-color experimental design and data interpretation
  • Personal assistance for analysis available by appointment
  • Extensive training on analyzers
  • Training and education in flow cytometry
  • High-end, supervised cell sorting

Flow cytometry

The Radboudumc Technology Center Flow Cytometry has extensive experience with flow cytometry in basic and translational research, as well as in patient diagnostics, follow-up and clinical trials. read more

Flow cytometry

Flow cytometry is a sophisticated technique that allows interrogation of few to millions of single cells or. Multiple physical characteristics of each individual cell/particle are simultaneously measured, and expression levels of antigens can be detected using fluorescently labelled antibodies. Measured characteristics include amongst others the relative size, granularity or internal complexity, and relative fluorescence intensity of the cell/particle. Our platform offers scientists advice on pre-analysis sample preparation, panel design, quality controls, instrument set-up, data acquisition and data analysis and visualization. Furthermore, we provide access to high-end flow cytometry analyzers and sorters.

Fields of research

  • Immunology/Hematology
  • Genetic and metabolic diseases
  • Cell biology
  • Molecular biology
  • Microbiology
  • Infectious diseases
  • Gynaecology (sperm)
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry (small particles)


dr. Willemijn Hobo
RTC coordinator

Contact our team:
+31 (0)24 361 98 40
contact form

Services & expertise

What is flow cytometry?

Flow cytometry is a sophisticated technique of single cell analysis. read more

What is flow cytometry?

Flow cytometry is a sophisticated technique of single cell analysis. It simultaneously measures and analyzes multiple physical characteristics of single particles, usually cells, as they flow in a fluid stream through a beam of light. Some of the characteristics measured include a particle's relative size, granularity or internal complexity and relative fluorescence intensity.

Our services

  • Access to flow cytometry analyzers and a flow cytometry sorter
  • Advice on multi-color experimental design and data interpretation
read more


  • Cell phenotyping
  • Standardized immune profiling
read more


  • Cell phenotyping
  • Standardized immune profiling
  • Cell sorting based on fluorescent proteins
  • 4-way multiple populations sorting
  • Multiwell single cell sorting in 6-384 well plates for single analysis applications
  • Nucleic acid analysis/Cell cycle analysis
  • FRET measurements
  • Small particles analysis and sorting
  • Cell function analysis (calcium efflux)
  • Dynamic multidimensional immune functionality profiling

Equipment & downloads

Using our equipment

Users who have operated flow cytometry equipment will, after evidence of proficiency, be allowed to use the equipment unassisted. Individual and group training in the use of our equipment is available to allow for unassisted use in the future.
  • See instructions for the use of our equipment.

    read more

    Instructions prior to access


    NIG Building M379 room number 4.148 (route number 475).


    Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 to 18:00 hrs.


    Reservations for sorting

    You can make a reservation request using your own Outlook agenda and invite the cell sorter.
    • In outlook select calendar (agenda) and then new (nieuw)
    • Select guide card invite attendees (deelnemers uitnodigen)  and send to (aan) Vz apparatuur Laboratoriumgeneeskunde LH flowcytometer Aria (VZ00329) and add this to required (vereist).
    • You can make this appointment. Select scheduling (planning). The bars indicate when the cell sorter is busy. Select the time you need to sort you samples.
    • Select appointment (afspraak). Mention your name and phone number under subject (onderwerp).
    • Finally, press send (verzenden).


    Contact Head Operator Rob Woestenenk at +31 (0)24 361 52 32 for instructions.

Facility Flow cytometry equipment

Radboudumc offers access to flow cytometry analyzers and a flow cytometry sorter. read more

Downloads guides and manuals

  • Folder about technology acces.


Our experts