Courses for PhD candidates
Here you can find all the courses for competencies and transferable skills for PhD candidates offered by Radboudumc and Radboud University.

Core competencies for PhD candidates and postdocs
Radboudumc has defined a set of core competencies for PhD and postdoc candidates as a guideline for professional career development.
read moreCore competencies for PhD candidates and postdocs
During their training, PhD and postdoc candidates are expected to become independent researchers skilled in (financial) project management, policy/decision making and management. These types of transferable skills stand candidates in good stead not just for an academic career but also for the professional job market beyond the university setting.
Self-assessment tool
Collectively the university medical centres designed a competence model as a self-assessment tool to help you further develop yourself, and to recognize acquired competences. See the NFU PhD Compentence Model.
Types of core compencies
- Research skills and knowledge
- Responsible conduct of science
- Personal effectiveness
- Professional development
- Leadership and management
- Communication
- Teaching
- Radboud specific
For each type of compencies we offer a number of courses if you feel that you use some extra training to enhance these skills.
Overview competencies
Formulate clear research questions and hypotheses, design solid research protocols as well as demonstrate in-depth knowledge of ones field.
Demonstrate the ability to make sound ethical and legal choices based on knowledge of accepted professional research practices, relevant policies and guidelines.
Adapt personal qualities and behaviours to achieve improved results.
Improve professional skills to further career prospects
Equipped to manage and develop project ideas as well as facilitate effective team work including problem solving skills. Also able to mentor others (e.g. students).
Demonstrate interpersonal, written, verbal, listening and non-verbal communication skills to be able to effectively and appropriately communicate facts, ideas or opinions to others.
Define the learning outcomes for the target group as well as adequately and suitably convey the material in a motivational manner.
Like attending Radboud Round and other networking and/or informative events organized by Raboudumc or one of the research institutes.
BMS courses free for PhD candidates
The research institute has agreed with Radboud Health Academy that PhD candidates can participate in BMS courses free of charge. However, specific conditions and procedures apply; those are outlined in this manual.
read moreOverview study load
Time invested in courses is expressed in study hours. Study hours are defined by the course organizer or can be calculated.
read moreOverview study load
Time invested in course is expressed in study hours. Study hours include both classroom teaching and time invested in self-study. For many courses, the time investement in hours is given in the course description. For some courses or other activities, this can be calculated using a set of rules. These rules, as well as the study load for a number of popular courses, are given in this document.
In case of discrepancies, the number of study hours in the course description is leading.
Courses at Radboud University
Courses for PhD candidates given at Radboud University can be found in gROW. The full course description lists the number of study hours. Please register for the course to read the full course description; this has no consequences. Only if you register for an ‘Event’, you will be placed in a group.
Courses at Radboudumc
Courses for PhD candidates given at Radboudumc are listed in the Online Learning Environment. Most applicable courses have listed the number of study hours in the course description. If this is not the case, please calculate according to these guidelines.
Courses from Master’s programs
Study load of all courses from Master’s programs are expressed in 'ECTS', which can be found in the course desciptions. One ECTS equals a load of 28 study hours.