Getting to your appointment Rare and Genetic Movement Disorders

Visiting address

Reinier Postlaan 4
6525 EX Nijmegen


Enter building at: Radboudumc, East entrance (ingang Oost)
Follow route 914

Patient care

Radboudumc is a university medical center. Everything we do - patient care, education and research - is centered around people and their quality of life.

International patients

Everything you need to know as a foreign patient. Especially if you are not insured through the Dutch health care law.

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Contact details and practical information in case of emergency.

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Getting there Radboudumc

Radboudumc has several entrances with different addresses. The address of the main entrance is Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10, 6525 GA Nijmegen. 

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mijnRadboud Digital medical file

You can activate mijnRadboud at the central registration desk. This is your personal medical file which you can consult online. With mijnRadboud you can make appointments and see the outcome of your tests. read more

Useful information

Most of the information on about patient care is currently in Dutch. To help you along we offer short descriptions in English with direct links to detailed information in Dutch. We hope, in the future, to bring you more information in English.
  • For a number of specific conditions and disorders, patients come to Radboudumc from all over the Netherlands and sometimes even abroad. On many disorders we cover detailed information.

    go to 'aandoeningen'


We would like to make your visit to our hospital as pleasant as possible. Therefore, during your visit or admission, you can use the various facilities of the Radboudumc.

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Rights and obligations

The most important rights and obligations for you as a patient are laid down in legislation, among others in the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO). read more


  • Would you like an interpreter to assist you during your appointment? An interpreter can assist you on the telephone or he/she can be present at your appointment. Your contact person at the medical department can arrange this. Please note, there may be costs involved.

Information Center

On our website you will find information about Radboudumc in general, our departments and also about conditions and disorders, medical examinations and treatments. If you have more questions or if you are looking for specific information that cannot be found on our website, please contact our Information Center.

contact Information Center


About Radboudumc

Radboudumc wants to lead the way in shaping the healthcare of the future. We do this in a person-centered and innovative way.

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Research at Radboudumc

Researchers of the Radboud university medical center focus on today’s scientific health challenges as well as keeping an eye on emerging diseases of the future. go to research