Education Wooclap instead of Mentimeter

12 September 2023

As of March 2023, Radboud University (RU) is switching to Wooclap as its polling software. Support is available for faculty in transferring presentations from Mentimeter to Wooclap. 

Mentimeter and all data in Mentimeter will still be available through December 2023 and then disappear.

Read more in RU's message

Update 20/06

Radboud University and Radboudumc are switching from Mentimeter to Wooclap as polling software this year. As of mid-June, you can start using Wooclap in your teaching!

Support for transferring presentations from Mentimeter to Wooclap is available if required.

Read more about Wooclap at RU | Polling Opinions with Wooclap. Mentimeter will remain available through December 2023. 


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