19 June 2023

FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE conferences stand out because they have been organised by and for young researchers (PhD candidates and postdocs) from several European institutions. The annual gatherings comprise various parts, the most significant being a scientific symposium, which seeks to explore the latest research and pioneering developments in the molecular life sciences. Coupled with this symposium, a wide range of activities focused on employment opportunities, including a career day, career workshops and a job fair, are also organised. These conferences also seek to engage the public via outreach activities especially tailored to target certain audiences. In addition to the relevance of public engagement, these activities provide an ideal training opportunity for PhD students and postdocs interested in science communication.

THE EMERGING CHALLENGE: Environmental impacts on human health

As with previous years, biomedical sciences are our main focus, however this year we want to highlight the importance of the environment in our lives.

The scientific programme covers topics from epigenetics, complex diseases and model systems to big data and modelling. To help shape the next steps of your career, the conference also contains a career day with an alternative career chats topic.

The University of Cologne will be hosting the next FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE conference in Cologne, Germany. The Scientific Organising Committee joined forces with the Local Organising Committee from Cologne in order to prepare an exciting scientific programme, the Career Day (already a FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE tradition), and a dynamic line-up of outreach activities.

The registration is now open, please register here.

For all information regarding this conference download the flyer here.

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