2 November 2022

Valentina Palacio-Castañeda has been nominated for the Hugo van Poelgeestprijs, a scientific prize for excellent, animal-free research in the life sciences, aimed at the young, new generation of scientists. "We are now 3 nominees and for the final round, we had to make a video where we explain our work. There will be two awards: one from the jury and one from the public."

Below you can watch this video she wants to share with her colleagues at Radboudumc, to promote their work, and to ask for support for the public vote (page in Dutch): ​https://proefdiervrij.nl/hugo-van-poelgeestprijs/stemmen-hugo-van-poelgeestprijs-2022#stemnu 

You can watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYLyfNHEl6I.

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