8 November 2022

Patrick Mulder is the winner of the Kreis Prize for his research on burns. His PhD research is taking place at the Association of Dutch Burn Centers in Beverwijk, supervised by Bouke Boekema (co-promotor). This is in cooperation with Irma Joosten (promotor) and Hans Koenen (co-promotor) of the laboratory for medical immunology of the Radboudumc. The research is about the inflammatory response after burns.

The Kreis Prize, awarded by Robert Kreis, is for the best young burn injury researcher. There were 11 entries and 3 nominees. After presentations of the 3 nominees on 4 November, the winner was announced. Patrick Mulder won 3000 euros for further research.

Read the article of the NoordHollands Dagblad, edition Kennemerland here (in Dutch). 

For more info go to the website of Rode Kruis Ziekenhuis.

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