As of May 1, Mathias Prokop will become Department Head of Radiology at UMCG. He will fulfill this role in addition to his current position as Professor and Department Head of Imaging at the Radboudumc. Jurgen Fütterer will assume the daily management of the Radboudumc clinic.
Mathias will remain with the Radboudumc as professor and department head of Imaging (Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Anatomy). In order to properly perform tasks in Groningen and Nijmegen, Jurgen Fütterer will assume the daily management of the Radboudumc Clinic. Mathias will divide his time between the UMCG and Radboudumc in close consultation with all involved.
Collaboration UMCG and Radboudumc
Mathias: 'In our country, cooperation between and with other houses is of great importance for the development of our profession. Increasing subspecialization, efficient use of AI and impactful science are driving forces in this process. Through this combined position, I am taking an important step in this direction.'
All parties involved see the benefits of intensifying cooperation in the field of imaging, both for patient care and for research, education and training.
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