Mani Diba recently re-joined Radboudumc as an Hypatia Tenure Track Fellow at the research group Regenerative Biomaterials of the Department of Dentistry.
After completing his B.Sc. degree in Materials Engineering in Iran, Mani moved to Erlangen in 2010 to obtain a M.Sc. degree in Advanced Materials and Processes. In 2013, he moved to Nijmegen for his PhD in Self-healing Biomaterials at Radboudumc. After carrying out postdoctoral research at Eindhoven University of Technology, Mani worked in the USA as a Rubicon Fellow in 2019 at Rice University and thereafter at Harvard University.
In 2021, Mani received a Hypatia Tenure Track grant, which will enable him to establish a new research group at Radboudumc on novel in vitro models of bone healing by employing advanced bottom-up materials design and biofabrication techniques.
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