10 May 2022

Since April 2022, the NFU tightened the BROK course policy. Researchers should now be BROK certified at the start of the research. The previous policy, which gave researchers 6 months after the start of the research to complete the BROK, is no longer valid. 

In addition, there is no longer an exception regarding training requirements for personnel who have been involved in research for less than 6 months. These adjustments are the result of the more stringent Education and Examination Regulations (OER) adopted by the deans of the UMCs. For the current policy at the Radboudumc, go to the Policy on the Training of Human Subjects in Scientific Research (Beleidslijn scholing mensgebonden wetenschappelijk onderzoek).

Within the Radboudumc there is a transition period until October 1, 2022, during which researchers involved in research without a BROK certificate must demonstrably have started with obtaining the BROK. 

The current policy underlines the importance for starting PhD students to follow the BROK course at an early stage. This is because the BROK course extensively covers the design and submission of human subjects research. In addition, the course covers the specific policies and support at the Radboudumc. 

More information on the BROK course, such as registration and recertification, can be found on the Radboudumc BROK page (Radboudumc BROK-pagina). Researchers in possession of a BROK certificate can check their validity in the BROK register (BROK-register).


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