28 January 2021

February 4th is World Cancer Day. Would you like to know how to recognize skin cancer? Which new possibilities are there to localize  and treat cancer? At world cancer day, Radboudumc brings cancer into focus through an online event. A day for patients, relatives and other interested people. 

How can we involve patients in why research is so important? At 10.00 the webinar will start at www.radboudumc.nl/kankerinbeeld. In addition,

Throughout the day there are online tours and lectures on how to recognize skin cancer, the consequences of living prolonged with cancer and more. You can check out the entire program here (https://www.radboudumc.nl/centrum-voor-oncologie/kanker-in-beeld). If you leave your email address, you will get a reminder on the 4th of February.

We hope to see you online! (This event is in Dutch).