8 April 2021

On Wednesday March 3, 2021, Dr. mr. Jan Bollen received the Gauke Kootstra Award, during the annual Boat Congress of the Dutch Transplant Association, which took place digitally this year. Jan Bollen is a final-year resident of the department of anesthesiology at the Radboudumc, but also completed several law studies.

In November 2019 he obtained his PhD cum laude from Maastricht University with his thesis "Organ donation after euthanasia: medical, legal and ethical considerations". Due to his medical-legal background, he was able to focus in this PhD trajectory on how organ donation can be carried out after euthanasia, but also what the legal obstacles are, its potential, the transplant results, and what this has means for minors. In 2020 this thesis was already rewarded with the Dissertation Award from the Dutch Association for Intensive Care (NVIC). The Gauke Kootstra Prize was awarded for the first time in 2007 and is awarded every two years for the best thesis in the field of transplantation (clinical / translational research). Professor Kootstra is known for his achievements in the field of organ preservation and his efforts to increase the number of donor kidneys suitable for transplantation. 

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