2 December 2021

The countdown begins for the holiday season! It’s finally time to leave the lab, the clinics, the office and spend some much-needed cosy time with family and friends. Or just chilling or traveling alone, whatever your tired self desires. This period is not only for delicious meals and cosiness, but it is also a time to give and make our loved ones happy. But is giving always a happy process? Sometimes, the gift-giving serves more to the consumer culture and hurts the environment rather than improving our lives and wellbeing. But it is possible to be more mindful of what we’re buying and how we’re presenting them. 

Every month of 2021, we, as the Radboudumc Green Lab Initiative, have been providing sustainability tips for our lab and office lives. In October, Ilona gave you some ideas on sustainable office habits and touched upon getting sustainable gifts for your colleagues. In this last episode of our Green Intentions series, I’m taking this further. Here are 8 tips to be more conscious givers so that everyone can have a jolly time with a lighter conscience.  

1. Give experiences, not items 

Let’s admit it, most of us have waaay too much stuff. So, why add more to the pile? Instead, you can give experiences. A museum or theatre ticket would add a unique experience to the receiver’s life without burdening their storage capacity. For nature lovers, you can arrange wildlife experiences (but please do your research and make sure that it’s an ethical establishment). Have you ever taken your sister to a snorkel adventure, or your parents to a bird-watching workshop? For the hobbyists, pottery, yoga, or photography courses could create some sparks. Who knows, maybe you’ll introduce them to a new cherished hobby.  

2. Right subscriptions can change a life 

We are always busy with our phones. Why not make something good out of it? An app subscription is a new kind of gift for this weird decade. The right app can add a lot of value to your life. Personally, I like to give subscriptions to mindfulness and meditation apps such as Ten Percent Happier or Calm, from which I benefit a lot. Considering the mental burden of our demanding jobs and the pandemic, this can be an excellent gift for your favourite colleagues. And how about a whole year of lazy sunday breakfasts, with a subscription to Scientific American, National Geographic or just NRC? Alternatively, you can let them explore their creative sides: check out Skillshare for that. We live in biking heaven, so, a subscription for an audiobook service might make the commute of your colleagues more fun. 

Side note: I have no benefit in advertising any of the services mentioned. They are merely beloved personal suggestions. 

3. Get those hands dirty 

Speaking of the environment, what better idea than cultivating it? Even if your gift target is a gardening virgin, there are super simple gardening kits available for starters. A pretty plant would also always be welcome to brighten up your colleague’s office desk.  

4. Green and chic in the office 

While we’re on the subject of the office, a few more simple gift ideas for your office mates: a reusable cup or water bottle so that they don’t keep wasting disposable cups in the coffee room, an agenda or weekly planner made from recycled paper for the new work year ahead, an erasable notebook, or a chic recycled laptop sleeve that will catch all the eyes in corridors.  

5. Don’t forget the children (human, cat, bunny,… we don’t discriminate) 

Making children or pets happy is an instant serotonin boost. There is a wide range of ethically sourced and sustainably made toys online for your favourite human or furry children. Children’s books are a go-to gift for me, but the little fellas grow out of them pretty quickly. So, why not go for second-hand books? They probably won’t notice the difference between a brand new and well-preserved second-hand book.  

6. Use, reuse, and reuse again 

A book is not the only thing that can be bought second-hand. Clothes, home décor items, music records (wink wink to my friends, I have gaps in my David Bowie vinyl collection), and many more. Especially fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters. By second-hand shopping, you avoid contributing to the cost of new production and shipping but also prevent creating waste. 

7. Donating is always a win-win 

This might not be the best gift idea for everyone, but you would know the people who would appreciate it. Make a donation to a trustworthy charity or environmental organization in the name of your gift recipient. I’ve done this before and met with gratitude and appreciation. Contributing to a cause makes you experience a unique satisfaction and gives back to the world at the same time. Win-win! 

8. It doesn’t end with the gift. What about packaging? 

We are trying to consume less, right? That includes gift packaging. You can use old newspapers, fabric like an unused tablecloth, or recycled paper to wrap your gift. To spice it up, old ribbons, thin ropes, or unused fabric might make lovely adornments. Or, if you are good at drawing, unlike me, you can draw a ribbon and whatever else you desire on the package. Get creative and make that dull brown recycled paper look festive.  

Happy giving! 

The Green Lab Initiative is a collaboration of green enthusiasts at the Radboudumc who want to encourage people to go greener in their work. With our green intentions of 2021, we have been trying to inspire you to take small steps every month. Keep an eye out for more content next year and find us on Twitter or LinkedIn

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