Every year the European Epidermal Barrier Research Network (E2BRN) holds its annual scientific meeting as a satellite symposium during the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) conference.After missing out in 2020, this year a virtual conference was held. Both young scientists and keynote speakers provided an overview on the state-of-the-art within the field.
The meeting was attended by over 150 scientists, who got the chance to vote for the best speaker of the symposium.The award of this year went home with Felicitas Pardow second year PhD student in the group of Ellen van den Bogaard, theme Inflammatory diseases and Jo Huiqing Zhou, theme Reconstructive and regenerative medicine.
Felicitas presented in a clear, calm and collective way her abstract entitled: AHR regulates epidermal differentiation through transient activation of dynamic transcription factors. Felicitas managed to explain in 7 minutes sharp, how the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) interacts with other transcription factors to coordinate epidermal differentiation processes. Congratulations!