10 March 2021

Cansu Yanginlar and Johan van der Vlag, theme Renal disorders, received an AAF grant (100 kEuro) with colleagues Sjoerd Timmermans and Pieter van Paassen from Maastricht UMC. This is one of the 21 research projects that can start with support of the Academic Alliance Fund.

Their project “NETworking: Deciphering the pathologic properties of the neutrophil in COVID-19, ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV), and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).” aims to analyse the ménage à trois between neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), complement, and coagulation in well-characterized patients with COVID-19, AAV or SLE.

By focusing on similarities and differences of neutrophils and NETs in these diseases, they will identify specific molecular targets for precision treatment. Their findings will be readily applicable for other diseases with the involvement of NETs, including venous thrombosis/embolism and sepsis.

This project is one of the 21 research projects the AAV has funded recently. 

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