28 May 2020

During the webinar, PhD candidates and post-doctoral fellows had the opportunity to ask the dean and the research directors all the questions they had during this corona crisis. Nice to see how much dedication there is among the young researchers to restart the research work, but we also realize that there are so many more problems they face during this period.

A period of isolation that affects the mental state, a period of doubt about the principles and possibilities with their thesis, a period of worry about renewals of contracts and need for information about when research can restart again.

Missed the webinar? Watch it back online.

Because of the many questions about the restart and the contact persons in case you experience problems, below a brief review about these topics.

Roadmap restart research

The research will be started in phases. Phase 1 has been started since 11 May and phase 2 will start next week. Read more about the restart here

Do you experience problems or do you feel that you are entering a social isolation?

Know that the Radboudumc and your colleagues are there for you. For work arrangements and questions about your personal work situation, you can first contact your supervisor. Then please:
  • Let your supervisor know how you feel and discuss the different options
  • Get in touch with your colleagues on a daily basis
  • Check in your network how everyone is doing
  • Turn to your buddy: Corona Buddy System
  • Join the online activities organized by the research institutes, be digital social
  • Contact your PhD Council or the Postdoc Platform
  • Do you feel like you're losing control and need experienced help? Get in touch with the Company Relief Team (Bedrijfsopvangteam) and the Occupational Safety & Health and Environmental Service (Arbo-en Milieudienst)