The list of the 1 percent most cited scientists of the past ten years contains seventeen scientists who are affiliated with Radboudumc or Radboud University. The list was published by Clarivate Analytics, an American company that offers services in the area of scientific research (e.g. Web of Science).
The annual list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their chosen field or fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade.
Ten of seventeen researchers in the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2020 are classified in the ‘Cross-Field’ category, meaning they have been cited in different fields. Clarivate Analytics wants to use this category to break down the “artificial walls of conventional disciplinary categories”.
Mihai Netea, professor in Experimental Internal Medicine, is classified as a Highly Cited researcher in two fields: Microbiology as well as Immunology.
The seventeen Radboud scientists on the list are:
- Christian Beckmann - Neuroscience and Behavior
- Jan Buitelaar - Cross-Field
- Charles Dinarello* - Immunology
- Pascal Fries* - Neuroscience and Behavior
- Ole Jensen - Cross-Field
- Mike Jetten - Cross-Field
- Leo Joosten - Immunology
- Mikhail Katsnelson - Physics
- Bart Jan Kullberg - Cross-Field
- Jos van der Meer - Cross-Field
- Jacques Meis* - Cross-Field
- Johan Mouton (†) - Cross-Field
- Mihai Netea - Immunology, Microbiology
- Robert Oostenveld - Neuroscience and Behavior
- Hendrik Stunnenberg - Cross-Field
- Frank van de Veerdonk - Cross-Field
- Gerrit Vriend - Cross-Field
(*) Charles Dinarello is first and foremost affiliated with the University of Colorado Denver; Radboud Medical Center is his second affiliation. Pascal Fries is first and foremost affiliated with the Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in cooperation with Max Planck Society; Radboud University is his second affiliation. Jacques Meis is first and foremost affiliated with the Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital Nijmegen; Radboud University is his second affiliation.
Almost half of the scientists that are highly cited in their colleagues’ research are American (41.5 percent). The Netherlands is in seventh place, with 181 scientists.
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