Nanda Rommelse has been appointed professor of Neurodevelopmental Disorders with effect from 1 September. The chair is a bridging function between the Psychiatry Department of the Radboudumc and Character Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
The purpose of the chair is to further connect patient care and scientific research in the field of Neurodevelopmental disorders (such as ADHD, autism and intellectual disability). Early detection, prevention and prognosis are central, but also the development of innovative diagnostic and treatment methods. Rommelse will investigate the coherence of biological, psychological and social mechanisms. The chair is fully in line with the vision of the Radboudumc to lead the way in shaping the healthcare of the future by being person-centered and innovative, in close cooperation with a network of key partners.
Rommelse feels enormously honored to hold this chair: 'I find the combination of science and patient care very stimulating and important. I look forward to the coming years in which, together with talented researchers and therapists from Karakter, the Psychiatry Department of the Radboudumc and the Donders Institute, I will be able to conduct innovative and clinically relevant research, so that this will benefit the care of children with neurobiological developmental disorders and their families'.
Prof. Dr. Nanda Lambregts-Rommelse is a GZ-psychologist, EMDR practitioner and in training to become a clinical neuropsychologist. In patient care she specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of children with complex and/or rare variants of neurobiological developmental disorders, such as children with rare genetic syndromes, neurological problems, or very high intelligence.
In scientific terms, she is one of the world's top 1% experts in the field of autism and ADHD ( She has obtained several large research grants and leads several leading (inter)national research projects, among others in the field of early detection and (secondary) prevention, innovative neurocognitive instruments, nutritional interventions and longitudinal cohort studies.
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