The UMD comprises six Dutch academic metabolic centers including Radboudumc as well as the Dutch umbrella patient organization ‘Volwassen, Kinderen en Stofwisselingsziekten’ (VKS). As a part of this collaboration, a Data Task Force has been established to build a UMD-wide infrastructure for exchange of clinical and molecular data.
Purva Kulkarni is heading the bioinformatics on molecular omics data and can now appoint a postdoctoral fellow for three years. The project involves establishment of a UMD-wide infrastructure for data exchange, in close collaboration with the X-omics initiative (Center for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics, led by Peter-Bram ‘t Hoen). Secondly, the project involves harmonizing data interpretation pipelines between UMD centers and establishing bioinformatic solutions for interpretation of multi-omics datasets of metabolic disease patient cohorts.
Purva Kulkarni is part of the research theme Metabolic disorders and establishes her own group in bioinformatics of mass spectrometry based -omics data to improve rare disease diagnostics and therapy monitoring.
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