The first podcast on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Nijmegen was released today. In this podcast on spotify and anchor Bram van Ginneken, Ritse Mann and Eva van Rikxoort talk about AI and medical image processing. The next podcast is about smart chatbots.
In the new podcast series 'AI for Life', experts in Artificial Intelligence engage in conversation. They are experts from Radboud AI and other knowledge institutes in the Nijmegen region who are professionally tinkering with data and algorithms. But also innovative entrepreneurs who convert this knowledge and expertise into meaningful products and services for society will have their say. How do they use AI, what considerations do they make? Do they see opportunities, obstacles, unsuspected prospects?
AI in daily life
Radboud University and Radboudumc are important players in the development and application of AI in daily life. These AI innovations are manifesting themselves more and more emphatically in everyday life. They analyse medical images, they talk to you (chatbots), they read and react to your emotions, they filter meaningful information from huge data mountains, they control robots in healthcare...
Speed, responsibility... and more
In this series of podcasts AI for Life, top experts talk about the latest developments in AI, which they shape themselves here and now. Led by initiator and moderator Martijn Kriens (Briskr), Bram van Ginneken, professor of functional image analysis), Ritse Mann radiologist at Radboudumc and Eva van Rikxoort of the company Thirona talk about the use of AI in medical image processing. When does AI analyze medical images faster and better than an experienced physician? For which images can this be achieved? And if a system does the assessment, who will be responsible for a missed diagnosis?
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