17 January 2020

Dermatology Radboudumc and Dermatology Ghent received a grant of 1.6 million euros for investigating dose reduction of the newest biologics for psoriasis.

The BeNeFIT (Belgium-Netherlands Funding of International Trials) program, in which ZonMw and the Belgian KCE have joined forces, has honored the first two grant applications. One of these is a study into the dose reduction of biologics in psoriasis, carried out by Elke de Jong and Juul van den Reek and UZ Gent, Jo Lambert and Lynda Grine. Reduction of new generation biologics in psoriasis. This awarded project concerns research into dose reduction of new generation biologics in psoriasis. Biologics are very effective agents for the treatment of psoriasis. Previous research has shown that the dose of TNFα-blocking biologics can be reduced in some patients. For the new generation of biologics, IL17 and IL23 inhibitors, it is not yet known whether dose reduction of these agents is possible. The new agents have different mechanisms and safety profiles in comparison with TNFα blockers and are increasingly prescribed. It is therefore important to investigate the possibilities for dose reduction of these new biologics in a timely manner.

ZonMw and KCE granted 1.6 millon euros to perform this large multinational study in 17 hospitals in Belgium and the Netherlands. 
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