12 May 2020

Assistant professor in Healthcare Ethics Jos Kole recently received a Comenius Senior Fellowship, a prestigious educational scholarship. Aim of this scholarship is to innovate the Master of Medicine program by stimulating students to further develop their character through acquiring virtues consciously and critically.

Recently, twenty new Comenius Senior Fellowship applications have been honoured nationwide on behalf of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. Jos Kole is receiving this education grant within the theme 'Bildung and identity formation’. The grant involves 100,000 euros, to be spend on educational innovation.

The Comenius Senior Fellowship is considered as a kind of honoured Vidi-application for teachers (instead of researchers). Comenius Fellows become members of the Comenius network of the KNAW - a national network of "recognised educational innovators".

Physicians of character

Jos Kole's plan is entitled: "Physicians with character".  Towards a Master of Medicine that takes virtues seriously ." It aims to renew the professionalisation program of the Master's in Medicine by helping students to shape their personal and professional identity. By making virtues their own, residents develop a robust personality that enables them to their work as physicians, in the future, in an ethically responsible way and to flourish, even under the sometimes difficult working conditions.' explains Jos Kole.

"Hidden curriculum"

‘The insight that students  develop virtues - but perhaps also vices - during their internship is not new’, Jos continues. In fact, this has always happened, but often mainly unconsciously and uncritically through the so-called "hidden curriculum. Notorious American research would show that residents lose empathy during their internship, due to the "hidden curriculum". With this project we hope to make students aware of how they are educated during the ‘coschappen’ and how they would like to develop themselves'.

In the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of this educational innovation project, Jos Kole and colleagues work together with patients, students, and trainers.
  • Are you interested? Please contact Jos (Jos.Kole@radboudumc.nl). He will be happy to discuss his plans with you and is interested in your view about them.

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