In celebration of 75 years of dialysis since the invention of the first artificial kidney by dr. Willem Kolff, the Willem Kolff Foundation and the Dutch Kidney Foundation organized the 3rd edition of the Willem Kolff Battle of the Universities in October 2018. During the Kolff Battle, a contest on medical invention, 6 teams of young university researchers competed to find the best innovative approach to solve a kidney-related medical problem with (bio)medical engineering.
Jenny van der Wijst, theme Renal disorders, headed the Radboudumc team, consisting of a collaborative group of 5 interdisplicinary scientists (including Jitske Jansen, Rutger Maas, Sander van Asbeck, Rachel van Swelm), from June-Oct 2018. Together, they developed a pioneering idea for hemodialysis: the Diasleeve as a new wearable kidney filtration device. As one of the finalists, they presented their proposal and proof-of-concept during a 2-day event in Corpus, Leiden.During the 4-month period, they were followed by NierNieuws that generated a video of the Kolff Battle of the Universities 2018.
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