University Study Prize for Mark van Goor

30 August 2019

Seven recent graduates have received the University Study Prize due to the exceptional quality of their final theses. The RIMLS graduate is Mark van Goor and we congratulate Mark wholeheartedly with this prize. 

Each year during the opening of the academic year, the University Study Prize is presented to students who wrote a final thesis of exceptional quality during the previous academic year.

Mark researched the protein structure of TRPV5, a protein in the kidneys. This protein, and its colleague protein TRPV6, ensure that the calcium balance in the body is maintained. The special aspect of this research is that, by using cryogenic electron microscopy, Mark created a 3D model of the protein and managed to make the molecular structure visible. He achieved it in collaboration with a lab in San Francisco. The expectation is that this research will contribute to the development of medication for kidney stone patients.

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