16 January 2019
Matthijs received an award and a hoody.
Click here for all the photo's.

A few motivations why Matthijs became the Supervisor of the year:
For the second time the RIMLS PhD council organized the Supervisor election with many nominees. This year's winner is Matthijs Kox, theme Infectious diseases and global health. A great tradition, because excellence is shown in many ways, and excellent supervision is something we should all strive for!
Matthijs received an award and a hoody.
Click here for all the photo's.
A few motivations why Matthijs became the Supervisor of the year:
- Matthijs is always hungry for new data, with his absolute and contagious enthousiasm and passion for science and his sharp insight, he pushes his phD and master students to their best, but in a unconstrained manner.
- This Big Friendly Giant is the most caring supervisor you will find, as a PhD is also under his supervisoring wings when he is on vacation with his wife. He cannot resist to call you to ask you how the poster presentation or oral went, what happened with the latest lab tests and if the statistical analysis succeeded. Not because he is a control freak, just because he is immensely eager to know more. A true philosopher.
- Supervision by Matthijs is of exceptional good quality. He responds to our questions immediately (even outside regular working hours) and very thoroughly reviews the work of all his PhD candidates and gives feedback in a very comprehensive manner (e.g. not only regarding the content but also on scientific writing, presenting skills, etc.). To date, I have not encountered (or heard of another) supervisor who is doing this on the same level. Again, this is exceptional.
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