4 November 2019
Many patients with a neuromuscular disease (NMD) have chronic fatigue and need support to manage daily activities and social participation. In the renowned medical journal Neurology Veenhuizen et al. showed in a randomized controlled trial that Energetic, a self-management group program combining aerobic training, energy conservation management, and relapse prevention, significantly improves social participation and functional endurance in patients with NMD and chronic fatigue. It was a multicentered study that showed that this program can be implemented in different health care settings in the Netherlands.

Many patients with a neuromuscular disease (NMD) have chronic fatigue and need support to manage daily activities and social participation. In the renowned medical journal Neurology Veenhuizen et al. showed in a randomized controlled trial that Energetic, a self-management group program combining aerobic training, energy conservation management, and relapse prevention, significantly improves social participation and functional endurance in patients with NMD and chronic fatigue. It was a multicentered study that showed that this program can be implemented in different health care settings in the Netherlands.
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