5 March 2019

On Thursday 4 April a delegation of the NWO-ENW domain will visit Radboud University. The NWO domain Science (ENW) is responsible for all funding instruments by NWO in the fields of: Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physics.

The meeting is divided into two sessions, which can be attended either both or separately. 
  • Session 1, 13:00-14:10: Presentation new NWO-ENW Strategy (2019-2022)
The ENW Board presents their new strategy (Ongebaande paden/Off the beaten track; see this document in Dutch [summary in English page 46-49]).
More importantly, they would like to get your feedback and answer your questions regarding this strategy.

The ambitions of ENW’s new strategy are:
  • Nexus: connecting agendas, science and society
  • People: perspective for researchers
  • Research: collaboration for excellence and innovation
  • Infrastructure: accessible and sustainable scientific infrastructures
  • Knowledge sharing: effective use of knowledge through co-design and co-creation
  • Organisation: transparent & effective
If you have any questions or feedback on this strategy, ENW would prefer to receive this beforehand. Please send this 20 March at the latest to Brechje de Ruyck, b.deruyck@ru.nl​
  • Break, 14.10-14.30
Coffee & tea and informal discussion with ENW delegation
  • Session 2, 14.30-15.15: Information session new ENW Public Private Partnership (PPP) Call
Presentation of the new PPP call with deadline 4 June 2019. This call offers three types of partnerships, see this document for more information.
Location: Huygens Building, HG00.307