A limited number of places is available at the PhD Retreat of a research institute in Milan on 9 & 10 January 2020. Travel costs and participation costs are paid for!
The European School of Molecular Medicine is a partner of the RIMLS graduate school. Each year, two PhD candidates from RIMLS get the unique chance to participate in the PhD retreat of this graduate school (free of charge!). If you wish to join, please send a short motivation to rimls.graduateschool@radboudumc.nl before 30 October 2019. Based on the motivation, the RIMLS graduate school decides who will be able to go to Milan and will communicate this on 31 October. The selected participants can submit an abstract until 4 November.
This year's PhD Networking Days in Milan will entail talks from three invited speakers, three poster sessions divided into thematic categories, and several talks by PhD candidates in the format of 15’ + 5’ discussion. Click here for the program.
Participants can submit an abstract until 4 November 2019. While all abstracts will be accepted for poster presentation, PhD candidates submitting the best abstracts will have an opportunity to deliver a talk (PhD year and other scientific criteria will be considered). Decisions will be communicated through email by 15 November. Posters and talks will be judged by a panel of PI and Post Docs, and prizes awarded accordingly.
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