22 August 2019
Hans van Bokhoven’s research is aimed at unravelling the genetic causes of congenital brain disorders, such as intellectual disabilities, autism, epilepsy and neuromuscular diseases. He applies knowledge of genetic variants that are responsible for these disorders to obtain further insight into the exact molecular and cellular processes that are disrupted by these. His research uses model organisms (fruit flies) to study specific genetic disorders, for example Kleefstra syndrome. Increasing use is also made of patients’ stem cells from which cell types (neurons) are grown that are physiologically relevant for the disorders in question. The aim of his research is to provide new insight into the mechanism of disease and to develop new strategies for therapy.
The Academia Europaea is a functioning European Academy of Humanities, Letters and Sciences, composed of individual members. Membership is only by invitation after peer group nomination, scrutiny and confirmation as to the scholarship and eminence of the individual in their chosen field. Election is confirmed by the Council of the Academia. Members are drawn from across the whole European continent, not only Western Europe. Members also include European scholars who are resident in other regions of the world. Current membership stands at around 4000. Amongst them are seventy-two Nobel Laureates, several of whom were elected to the Academia before they received the prize.
In addition to Hans van Bokhoven, Nicoline Hoogerbrugge, Michiel Vermeulen, Bart Jan Kullberg, Bas Bloem, Joost Hoenderop, Bart Kiemeney, Barbara Franke, Guillen Fernandez, Mihai Netea, John Jansen, Jan Smeitink, Carl Figdor, Jos van der Meer, Han Brunner, René Bindels, Han van Krieken, Maroeska Rovers, Nico Verdonschot and Joost Drenth are also members of the Academia Europaea.
Hans van Bokhoven, theme Neurodevelopmental disorders, is elected as a new member of the Academia Europaea.
Hans van Bokhoven’s research is aimed at unravelling the genetic causes of congenital brain disorders, such as intellectual disabilities, autism, epilepsy and neuromuscular diseases. He applies knowledge of genetic variants that are responsible for these disorders to obtain further insight into the exact molecular and cellular processes that are disrupted by these. His research uses model organisms (fruit flies) to study specific genetic disorders, for example Kleefstra syndrome. Increasing use is also made of patients’ stem cells from which cell types (neurons) are grown that are physiologically relevant for the disorders in question. The aim of his research is to provide new insight into the mechanism of disease and to develop new strategies for therapy.
The Academia Europaea is a functioning European Academy of Humanities, Letters and Sciences, composed of individual members. Membership is only by invitation after peer group nomination, scrutiny and confirmation as to the scholarship and eminence of the individual in their chosen field. Election is confirmed by the Council of the Academia. Members are drawn from across the whole European continent, not only Western Europe. Members also include European scholars who are resident in other regions of the world. Current membership stands at around 4000. Amongst them are seventy-two Nobel Laureates, several of whom were elected to the Academia before they received the prize.
In addition to Hans van Bokhoven, Nicoline Hoogerbrugge, Michiel Vermeulen, Bart Jan Kullberg, Bas Bloem, Joost Hoenderop, Bart Kiemeney, Barbara Franke, Guillen Fernandez, Mihai Netea, John Jansen, Jan Smeitink, Carl Figdor, Jos van der Meer, Han Brunner, René Bindels, Han van Krieken, Maroeska Rovers, Nico Verdonschot and Joost Drenth are also members of the Academia Europaea.
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