2 December 2019
After three earlier successful Exploration meetings (on Imaging, Neuroscience and Infectious diseases), 25 (medical) researchers from the five Radboudumc oncology themes and the Centre for Oncology welcomed 25 fellow researchers from the Maastricht Comprehensive Cancer Centre and the research institute GROW. The aim of the meeting was to explore new opportunities for collaboration and to deepen the existing research collaboration.
Read more: link (for employees only and in Dutch).
The next meeting will be held at the beginning of 2020 (theme cardiovascular diseases).

After three earlier successful Exploration meetings (on Imaging, Neuroscience and Infectious diseases), 25 (medical) researchers from the five Radboudumc oncology themes and the Centre for Oncology welcomed 25 fellow researchers from the Maastricht Comprehensive Cancer Centre and the research institute GROW. The aim of the meeting was to explore new opportunities for collaboration and to deepen the existing research collaboration.
Read more: link (for employees only and in Dutch).
The next meeting will be held at the beginning of 2020 (theme cardiovascular diseases).

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