5 March 2019

Radboudumc researchers are invited for an information meeting on the Dutch National research agenda, Wednesday 17 April 2019. This comprehensive research agenda (in Dutch: ‘Nationale Wetenschapsagenda’ or NWA) was drawn up by the most important knowledge–based institutions for scientific research in The Netherlands to stimulate innovative and socially relevant research. Amongst others, the NWA includes an elaborate research programme which covers all disciplines and is aimed at the entire chain of fundamental, applied and practice-oriented research.

Annette Koopman and Sanne Geelhoed – both member of the NWA programme team – will come to Nijmegen to discuss the aims and scope of the NWA, the current and forthcoming funding rounds, future developments, and more. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions.  
  • Date: Wednesday 17 April
  • Time: 12:30 - 13:30 hours
  • Location: Theaterzaal C (Elinor Ostrom building)
Please register before Wednesday 10 April via this link, so we can ensure that enough seats are available for all the participants. In case you have any questions, please contact Radboud Innovation (secretariaatri@ru.nl).